Lesbian stereotypes and other females

There are two types the butch lesbian or the feminine lesbian.

When I looked up these articles on female stereotypes it really infuriated me that all they seem to be is the house wives cleaners,must obey all men.

wordpress.com(2012,March,16).Lesbian stereotypes in the media. Retrieved from J320finalproject.wordpress.com/2012/03/16/lesbian-stereotypes-in-the-media/

The other female stereotypes are that all girls should clean the house and stay at home also do all the clothes washing. Also they should let men be the dominant people in relationships like Belle in Beauty and the Beast. Whereas nowadays Disney is changing little girl stereotypes by making them strong and independent also not being in abusive relationships.

Chelsea Jonesyy217(no year, no date, no month), Female Stereotypes in Disney Films.Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-57zKcmrT6M

M.D.(2013,October 5).Pop Culture Playlist: Demystifying Lesbian Stereotypes. Retrieved from.http://wgss2230.wordpress.com/2013/10/05/pop-culture-playlist-demystifying-lesbian-stereotypes/

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